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Screencasting Project

Details: The purpose of this assignment was to create a video of my screen while recording my voice explaining how to use a website. I used the website Screencast-O-Matic to record my screen and voice together. This could be a tool that I use in my future class to explain how to use different educational websites for my students. I did my screencasting on the website called Class Dojo which is a website I will be using in my future class. Class Dojo helps keep your class organized while using different useful tools.

Powtoon Project

Details: The purpose of this assignment was to create an informational animated video. In my video I explained how to add fractions, since I might be teaching this to my students in the future. Powtoon is a really cool website that I can use in my future class. It allows you to create any type of video with the help of their animations. Students might get bored when you're explaining a lesson to them, but with the help of Powtoon they can stay alert and motivated.

Digital Video

Details: The purpose of this assignment was to create a video using Movie Maker. I put together different pictures of little adventures that I've been on throughout the years. I also used a song to make the pictures flow better. This project was based off of what we wanted to make our video about. 

Remaining Course Readings

Details: This is a link to an assignment that we were required to do when we didn't have class. Our professor provided us with directions and questions which are in red and my answers are in black. The assignments included various readings and a couple videos.

Interactive PowerPoint


Website Evaluation

Details: This document contains a website evaluation checklist that I created for a second grade level. Student could go onto a website their teacher gives them and complete this website evaluation. This would help students in the future when getting on the internet and knowing the difference from a real or fake website.


Details: This is the link to my Web Quest. Students can learn about basic counting money skills in this activity. They can do this through various videos, worksheets, and games I have provided on my Web Quest. This is a great way to give students a alternate way of learning a lesson.

PowerPoint Game

Details: For this assignment I used PowerPoint to create a game. I used a jeopardy template that another person created to create my game. I put in questions that I could use if my students were practicing their addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This is a good way to get students involved in a lesson the teacher is teaching. It is also a good way to help students get ready for any assessments.

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